Specifically designed for temperature sensitive shipments of complete pallets of life science products, the HD [VIP] Pallet Insulator Transport System is manufac-tured from high density particle foam and vacuum insulation. Typical transport temperature ranges required by the pharmaceutical industry (2 to 8°C / 15 to 25°C / 2 to 25°C or deep frozen) can be achieved when the transport system is used in combination with delta T’s range of temperature stabilizing elements. A transport time of up to 240 hours can be achieved depending on the configuration of delta T temperature stabilizing elements within the pallet insulator transport system. Engineered to facilitate straightforward assembly by one person within a few minutes and with a sturdy final structure once built, the pallet insulators are the ideal solution for long distance transport of temperature sensitive goods. The specialized delta T fluid technology within the temperature stabilizing elements maintains the desired temperature within the entire payload space.
Design qualification and validation reports for various configurations are available upon request. Temperature data logging and tracking systems can be added to each configuration to accurately document the cold chain transport.
Available as GMA 1440L (1420x1210x1580mm) & EPAL 1200L (1200x800x1300mm)